Doctor Who: ‘Deep Breath’ – I like the new Doctor



doctor_who_peter_capaldiThe new Doctor Who season started Saturday and I just got around to watching the season opener.  I think Peter Capaldi is going to make an excellent Doctor.  I’m pretty pleased to see the show return to an older Doctor.  Since it was restarted in 2005, the Doctors have been getting younger and younger, but anyone who watched the classic show knew that the Doctor has historically been a mature figure.  The show even played around with this in the 50th anniversary episode with a previous version of the Doctor wondering if his later youthful incarnations was some sign of a mid-life crisis.

Still, an older Doctor, particularly one that looks to be a bit rougher and edgier that we’ve been used to, appears to have the producers a little worried.  Anticipating the reaction of a major portion of the audience that probably never watched the classic series, they had Clara react against the new…

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Review: FOUNDATIONS IN COMIC BOOK ART: Fundamental Tools and Techniques for Sequential Artists


Comics Grinder


Wow, what a book for anyone who is passionate about becoming a cartoonist! “Foundations in Comic Book Art: Fundamental Tools and Techniques for Sequential Artists” is a compressed version of what you can learn at the Savannah College of Art and Desgin (SCAD). John Paul Lowe, an art professor at SCAD, guides you through the main principles of comic book art: seeing and interpreting (observational techniques); and creating (constructive techniques). In a very concise and lively manner, you get a solid grounding in what’s involved in becoming a comics professional.

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Worldbuilding for Dummies


Wildspace: The Spelljammer Fanzine

So you want to create a world for Spelljammer.  Where do you start?  How do you make it live and breathe, even if you don’t want to do more than establish the initial contact with the PCs?  Here’s some ideas and suggestions that I think will help even a beginning DM animate his world into a living thing.

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Comics Grinder


President Superman of Earth-23 uncovers a threat to all Reality so apocalyptic it will take a team of incredible heroes from across the Multiverse to face it!

Let the above synopsis be your guide. The long-awaited Multiversity has arrived and all you really need to know you learned in grade school. You instinctively knew when a comic book was cool and fun. Say what you will about Grant Morrison but he’s always been about bringing back the cool and fun into comic books. This one feels right on par with the crisp relaunch of “Action Comics,” if not even better.

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Gluten Free, Lactose Free, Grilled Cheese Sandwiches


Okay, this was just so cool I had to share.  This is my partner’s recipe:

1.  Take two pieces of gluten-free bread (I recommend the Udi or Rudi brands because they actually toast properly and they don’t fall apart into crap immediately upon drying out or getting wet!)  Pop them into the toaster and toast to desired darkness.

2.  Butter one side of each piece of gf bread with kosher or vegan margarine (since both are lactose free).

3.  Cut pieces of veggie or soy cheddar-flavoured “cheese” (Safeway has a good lactose free veggie cheese brand, and Okanagan Soya makes an awesome product) to fit the bread.  Place them between the sides that are NOT buttered.  Press together on a microwave-safe plate.

4.  Heat in microwave until “cheese” melts to desired texture (Okanagan Soya took 45 seconds to become natcho-cheese gooey, and normally it doesn’t melt as well as regular cheese).

5.  Enjoy!  Result tastes just like pan-fried grilled cheese sandwiches, only the soy cheese is properly melted!

You’re welcome . . . 🙂