Elves We Need, and Elves We Don’t




Elves. One of the founding player races in Dungeons & Dragons, they’ve always been a source of consternation for me, while at the same time being one of my top five favourite non-human, non-monstrous player races. But they have a convoluted history with a lot of internal inconsistencies in D&D, and one that is becoming more convoluted with the upcoming release of Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes. So it’s time for an intervention, because D&D has a serious elf problem. and by “elf”, I mean Eladrin.

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A Disquisition on FanFiction


#30days30authors What is fan fiction? When do we consider something to be fan fiction, and when is it part of a shared realm? Is there really such a thing as fiction that *isn’t* fan fiction? I explore and discuss the limits!

Follow my challenge at http://www.facebook.com/SableAradia

Buy my books! https://www.amazon.com/Diane-Morrison/e/B06XCBB7ZB/

Spotted on Reddit: Kodos, Kang in Tight Race in North Vancouver


Diane Morrison

A little nerd humour for the BC election today.

North Vancouver has become the ultimate battleground for a pair of intergalactic candidates.

Reddit user hpka spotted these Simpsons-inspired campaign signs on the Mount Seymour Parkway.

Read the full article at the Vancouver Sun.

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The Weird West


Diane Morrison

I didn’t realize when I started writing my Wyrd West Chronicles that there was actually a genre for this!  No new ideas under the sun, I guess; but then again, it seems that my take is just a little bit unique.  Less dark overall than the usual depiction; more high fantasy.

Speaking of which, I’ll be releasing the first story, “Showdown,” on the Spring Equinox!  That’s March 20 this year.  It’s in the final editing stages and I’m just waiting for the cover image.  When I have all that, you’ll be able to get it by pre-order.

There’s Space Western for The WestIn Space!, and there’s Cattle Punk for The West meets Steam Punk. The Weird West is for when The West meets the supernatural.

Read full article at TVTropes.

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Book Review: The Drowned World by J.G. Ballard


Diane Morrison

The Drowned WorldThe Drowned World by J.G. Ballard
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Read for the Apocalypse Now! Reading Challenge and the SF Masterworks Reading Challenge.

Method of the world’s destruction: fluctuations in solar radiation melt the polar ice caps, causing massive flooding in most of the world’s major cities, rising heat, and heavy rains that make the equatorial belt uninhabitable.

This was definitely not my favourite of the SF Masterworks collection. It’s my first acquaintance with the writing of J.G. Ballard, aside from his autobiographical Empire of the Sun, which made an enormous impression on me as a child when I saw the Spielberg movie. I never forgot the thousand-yard stare so accurately portrayed by the boy who played young J.G. after his ordeal as a British prisoner of war in WWII Japan. It was said in the introduction to the edition of this book that I read…

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Women of Harry Potter: Minerva McGonagall, Bright and Burning


Diane Morrison

Brilliant article from Tor.com in a series about the women of Harry Potter.  Written by Sarah Gailey.

Born to a man who can’t possibly understand, and the woman who chose him over her magic.

Born to take care of two brothers who have powers they must, at all costs, hide.

Born to leadership.

Born to duty.


Prefect, Head Girl, winner of Transfiguration Today’s Most Promising Newcomer award. Minerva McGonagall is born into a home that requires stringent observation of rules; a home that will eventually attempt to conceal no fewer than four magical residents from the Muggles that surround them. Young Minerva is the brightest witch of her generation by many estimations. And yet, for as many years as Harry Potter will live in ignorance of his magic, Minerva is forced to hide her light behind a bushel in order to protect her Muggle minister of a father…

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